excel - Automate trigger from email that has been replied -

i new in vba. ask on how trigger email has been reply.

scenario : have coding below send email recipient (column b) if there "yes" in column c.

for each cell in columns("b").cells.specialcells(xlcelltypeconstants)         if cell.value "?*@?*.?*" , _            lcase(cells(cell.row, "c").value) = "yes"              set outmail = outapp.createitem(0)             on error resume next             outmail                 .to = cell.value                 .subject = "reminder"                 .body = "dear " & cells(cell.row, "a").value _                       & vbnewline & vbnewline & _                         "please contact discuss bringing " & _                         "your account date"                 'you can add files                 '.attachments.add ("c:\test.txt")                 .send  'or use display             end 

question : how can trigger if recipient has replied email sent earlier? automate trigger excel file on column e remark recipient has replied email. ex, "replied / no reply".

really appreciate since new in vba. thank you.

assuming using microsoft outlook , exchange server.

there 3 extended mapi properties deal message state replied to/forwarded:

pr_icon_index (0x10800003)
pr_last_verb_executed (0x10810003)
pr_last_verb_execution_time (0x10820040)

this msdn article https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb176395(office.12).aspx provides code shows how use these mapi properties:

sub demopropertyaccessorgetproperty()     dim propname, header string     dim omail object     dim opa outlook.propertyaccessor     'get first item in inbox     set omail = _         application.session.getdefaultfolder(olfolderinbox).items(1)     'pr_transport_message_headers     propname = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x007d001e"     'obtain instance of propertyaccessor class     set opa = omail.propertyaccessor     'call getproperty     header = opa.getproperty(propname)     debug.print (header) end sub 

you want replace 'pr_transport_message_headers ie 0x007d001e in above code , i'm guessing you'll want go through more first mail item...


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