magento - How to change page title for blog in neotheme nblog -
i have magento site, have installed neotheme's nblog magento extension. extension uses "frontend url key's
" value blog page title. want change title of wish. digged extension code no solution. appreciated.
instead of hard coding 'title' value blog, can create option in extension's back-end configuration add blog page title. required make following changes:-
1.under community/neotheme/blog/etc/system.xml around line no. 149 add '' tag(underneath: tag) 'new blog page title option' in configuration:-
<blog_page_title translate="label" module="neotheme_blog"> <label>blog page title</label> <comment><![cdata[this appear title blog page only]]></comment> <frontend_type>text</frontend_type> <sort_order>56</sort_order> <show_in_default>1</show_in_default> <show_in_website>1</show_in_website> <show_in_store>1</show_in_store></blog_page_title>
- under community/neotheme/blog/helper/data.php around line no. 229 change code in 'static public function getblogtitle()' function :-
return self::getfrontendname(true);
$blogtitle = mage::getstoreconfig('blog/general/blog_page_title'); if (!$blogtitle) { $blogtitle = self::frontend_name; } $blogtitle = ucfirst($blogtitle); return $blogtitle;
here screenshot:
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