mysql - PHP - BLOB image rotation when uploading from phone -

disclaimer: understand storing images in directory vs. database better way go, please humour me sake of learning. thank in advance help.

i'm having issue rotating image when uploading database blob , displaying when user logs in.

i have tested multiple methods of upload , found following:

the image rotated when:
1) choosing file, clicking "take photo" mobile device.

rotated image

the image not rotated when:
1) choosing file, clicking "from gallery" mobile device.
2) screenshot of image taken , uploaded using desktop computer.
3) image imported using application such iphoto , uploaded.

not rotated image

upload.php - upload image database.

<?php  require_once "../config/config.php"; session_start();  if(empty($_session['id'])) {   header("location: ../login/login.html"); } else {   $id = $_session['id']; }  include "fetchavatar.php";  if(!empty($_files['avatar']['name']) && (isset($_post['upload']))) {   $name = $_files['avatar']['name'];   $temp = $_files['avatar']['tmp_name'];   $size = $_files['avatar']['size'];   $type = $_files['avatar']['type'];    $fp = fopen($temp, 'r');   $img = fread($fp, filesize($temp));   fclose($fp);    if($fetchedrows) {     $stmt = $con->prepare("update avatars set name = ?, type = ?, size = ?, data = ? user_id = ?;");   } else {     $stmt = $con->prepare("insert avatars (name, type, size, data, user_id) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");   }      $stmt->bindparam(1, $name);     $stmt->bindparam(2, $type);     $stmt->bindparam(3, $size);     $stmt->bindparam(4, $img);     $stmt->bindparam(5, $id);     $stmt->execute();  }  header("location: profile.php");  ?> 

fetchavatar.php - select image database, store html + image $avatar.

<?php  require_once "../config/config.php"; session_start();  $id = $_session['id'];  $stmt = $con->prepare("select * avatars user_id = ?"); $stmt->bindparam(1, $id); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc);  $fetchedrows = $stmt->rowcount();  $_session['avatar'] = base64_encode($result['data']); $avatar = "<img src='data:image/jpeg;base64,". $_session['avatar']. "' width='100' height='100'>";  ?> 

profile.php - profile page.

<?php  session_start(); include "fetchavatar.php";  ?>  <html> <body>  <div id="profile_div">  <h1>profile page</h1>    <?php echo $avatar ?>    ...  </body> </html> 

here example of latest attempt @ rotating image. when attempting method, blob data uploaded blank , image no longer displayed. have tried multiple solutions offered here have not been successful in either implementing code correctly or knowing if i'm on right track.


<?php  ...  include "fetchavatar.php";  if(!empty($_files['avatar']['name']) && (isset($_post['upload']))) {   $name = $_files['avatar']['name'];   $temp = $_files['avatar']['tmp_name'];   $size = $_files['avatar']['size'];   $type = $_files['avatar']['type'];     $image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($temp));   $exif = exif_read_data($temp);   if(!empty($exif['orientation'])) {     switch($exif['orientation']) {         case 8:             $image = imagerotate($image,90,0);             break;         case 3:             $image = imagerotate($image,180,0);             break;         case 6:             $image = imagerotate($image,-90,0);             break;      }   }    $fp = fopen($image, 'r');   $img = fread($fp, filesize($image));   fclose($fp);    if($fetchedrows) {     $stmt = $con->prepare("update avatars set name = ?, type = ?, size = ?, data = ? user_id = ?;");   } else {     $stmt = $con->prepare("insert avatars (name, type, size, data, user_id) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");   }      $stmt->bindparam(1, $name);     $stmt->bindparam(2, $type);     $stmt->bindparam(3, $size);     $stmt->bindparam(4, $img);     $stmt->bindparam(5, $id);     $stmt->execute();  }  header("location: profile.php");  ?> 

in last upload.php example looks attempting fopen() image resource instead of image file on file system. try changing the

$fp = fopen($image, 'r'); $img = fread($fp, filesize($image)); fclose($fp); 


ob_start(); imagejpeg($image); $img = addslashes(ob_get_clean()); 

this write image resource string can inserted database.

this modified output file system instead of database, should ever change application.


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