Why my way to update local files with Github is not working? -

first have master branch in remote repo on internet. , know if changed local files, how update local changes remote repo. problem is, if don't want new changes in local tracked files, how return using updating remote repo in github?

i have tried following things:

  1. i use

    git checkout origin master 

    to master repo.

  2. i make sure 1 tracked file, named main_32.f90 changed little bit in comment line.

  3. then use

    git pull 
  4. it turns out date.

    already up-to-date. 
  5. i checked main_32.f90, not original 1 changed 1 in comment line. means git pull not working.

so how it?

if don't want keep local changes, can hard reset pointer, branch, sha1, etc discard changes. git reset --hard head.

use this kind of aliases have pretty view of working tree if console fan , don't want use gui suggested other users.


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