android - Cannot get the position of the tabhost from a fragment to another fragment using bundle -

i have 2 fragments. 1 tab , 1 main layout calls list view. having trouble passing "position" alarmtab class alarmactivity class. position being passed gets length of array. when click list position [0] tab, returns length of mytabhost , not clicked tab. want position of clicked , below codes of have done far. i've been working hours already. can me point out missing. thank in advance!

from alarmtab class

mtabhost = (fragmenttabhost) rootview.findviewbyid(; widget = (tabwidget) rootview.findviewbyid(; hs = (horizontalscrollview) rootview.findviewbyid(; mtabhost.setup(getactivity(), getchildfragmentmanager(),;  for(int i=0; i<smashdevicedata.get_instance().devices.size(); i++) {      alarmactivity alarmactivity = new alarmactivity();     bundle bundle = new bundle();     bundle.putint("position", i);     alarmactivity.setarguments(bundle);     mtabhost.addtab(mtabhost.newtabspec("i").setindicator(smashdevicedata.get_instance().devices.get(i).devicename), alarmactivity.class, bundle);     }  

and alarmactivity class

   public void addalarm(){         imageview addalarmbutton = (imageview) getactivity().findviewbyid(;         addalarmbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 fragmentactivity maindrawer = (fragmentactivity) context;                 fragment fragment;                 bundle b = getarguments();                 int position = b.getint("position", 0);                 toast.maketext(context, string.valueof(b.getint("position")), toast.length_short ).show();                 fragment = alarmsetactivity.newinstance(context, position);                 fragmentmanager fragmentmanager = maindrawer.getsupportfragmentmanager();                 fragmenttransaction ft = fragmentmanager.begintransaction();                 ft.replace(, fragment);                 ft.addtobackstack(null);                 ft.commit();             }         });     } 

your problem lies on line

    mtabhost.addtab(mtabhost.newtabspec("i").setindicator(smashdevicedata.get_instance().     devices.get(i).devicename), alarmactivity.class, bundle); 

it should this

    mtabhost.addtab(mtabhost.newtabspec(smashdevicedata.get_instance().     devices.get(i).devicename).setindicator(smashdevicedata.get_instance().devices.get(i).     devicename), alarmactivity.class, bundle); 


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