javascript - How to Filter the value pasted in TextArea -
have text area enter semicolon separated values, able process keyboard events , validating validate same on copy paste.
$(function () { var kpi = document.getelementbyid('<%=this.d.clientid%>').value; var tb = $('#<%= textbox.clientid %>'); $(tb).keypress(function (e) { var regex = new regexp("[0-9;]+$"); var str = string.fromcharcode(!e.charcode ? e.which : e.charcode); if (regex.test(str) && !($(this).val().match(/;{2,}/))) { var = $(this).val().match(/;/ig) || []; var len = as.length; if (len < kpi) { return true; } } e.preventdefault(); return false; }); $(tb).keyup(function (e) { var str = string.fromcharcode(!e.charcode ? e.which : e.charcode); if (($(this).val().match(/[;]{2,}/g))) { var shortenedstring = $(this).val().substr(0, ($(this).val().length - 1)); $(this).val(shortenedstring); return true; } e.preventdefault(); return false; }); $(tb).on('paste input propertychange', function (e) { //validate interger ; on paste , rest not allowed }) });
you try using keyup event post-validate input. pasted value in textarea not available before this, such @ keypress. can determine if it's paste checking, example:
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