php - how can create categories with different options of it in mysql tables -

i want design database mysql categories options categories example : script classified .. when want add ads in "cars category" must add options car . when add ads in "apartments sale category" must add options apartment

or @ image dubizzle site classified

when want add car in "cars category" show options

and when want add ads in "apartments sale category" show options

how can design database such ??

categories , sub-categories different options categories 

create table category (     id int auto_increment primary key,     catname varchar(100) not null );  create table catoption (   -- no attempt share option across multiple categories     id int auto_increment primary key,     catid int not null,     descr varchar(100) not null,     listingorder int not null   -- order listed on screen      -- include fk category );  create table listing (     id int auto_increment primary key,     catid int not null,     title varchar(100) not null,     verbeage text,     price decimal(12,0) not null      -- include fk category );  create table listoptions (   -- table houses particular listing options (answers if will)     -- programmer chooses whether or not save 'blanks'     id int auto_increment primary key,     listingid int not null,     optionid int not null,     answer varchar(100) not null    -- choose datatype     -- include fk listing     -- include fk catoption ); 

the foreign key constraint used prevent actions destroy links between tables.

the foreign key constraint prevents invalid data being inserted foreign key column, because has 1 of values contained in table points to.


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