cordova - PhoneGap external site displaying in browser for Android -

i having issue phonegap/cordova. trying app display content on external site. need wrapper app, need means access phone resources like, camera etc. placing external site in content tag in config.xml phonegap opening site in external browser rather in phonegap app. works fine in ios , before start ripping apart framework make work wondering if else has workaround solve problem. have build app before in android know works older version of phonegap. version using phonegap 3.6.3

here config.xml file;

<widget xmlns     = ""     id        = "io.cordova.hellocordova"     version   = "2.0.0">  <!-- preferences android --> <preference name="loglevel" value="debug" /> <content src="" /> <allow-navigation href="*" /> <access origin="*" /> 

from official docs

var ref =, target, options); 
  • ref: reference inappbrowser window. (inappbrowser)
  • url: url load (string). call encodeuri() on if url contains unicode characters.
  • target: target in load url, optional parameter defaults _self. (string)

    • _self: opens in cordova webview if url in white list, otherwise opens in inappbrowser.
    • _blank: opens in inappbrowser.
    • _system: opens in system's web browser.
  • options: options inappbrowser. optional, defaulting to: location=yes. (string)

one issue open window webbrowser. @ point hardware on mobile device no longer available. next, speculate alot. however, easier if explained trying do?


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