Reading Authorization header for JWT Token using Laravel 5, CORS, and JWTAuth -

i'm having hard time figuring out. using jwtauth on laravel 5 api , i'm having problem token being read. know , tried:

i have set cors configuration allow headers api path:

    return array(     'defaults' => array(         'supportscredentials' => false,         'allowedorigins' => array(),         'allowedheaders' => array(),         'allowedmethods' => array(),         'exposedheaders' => array(),         'maxage' => 0,         'hosts' => array(),     ),      'paths' => array(         'api/*' => array(             'allowedorigins' => array('*'),             'allowedheaders' => array('*'),             'allowedmethods' => array('*'),             'maxage' => 3600,         ),         '*' => array(             'allowedorigins' => array('*'),             'allowedheaders' => array('content-type'),             'allowedmethods' => array('post', 'put', 'get', 'delete'),             'maxage' => 3600,             'hosts' => array('api.*'),         ),     ),  ); 

i have added following apache's sites enabled conf file:

rewriteengine on rewritecond %{http:authorization} ^(.*) rewriterule .* - [e=http_authorization:%1] 

and can see in chrome tools headers being passed correct token , in correct format: authorization : bearer tokenstring

can see may doing wrong? know of issues this?

i see issue is. according documentation on jwtauth github page:

note apache users

apache seems discard authorization header if not base64 encoded user/pass combo. fix can add following apache config

rewriteengine on rewritecond %{http:authorization} ^(.*) rewriterule .* - [e=http_authorization:%1] 

i thought apache config meant 000-default.conf file. in error. in fact suppose done in .htaccess file. once done... poof, works!


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