c# - Handling similar checkbox values in .NET Web App -
list<char> errorlist = new list<char>(); if (meetingerrorcheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('m'); if (scheduledmachinedowntimecheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('s'); if (toolingcheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('t'); if (processissuecheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('p'); if (operatormaintenancecheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('o'); if (vactioncheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('v'); if (cellleadcheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('c'); if (waittoolscheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('w'); if (unscheduledmaintenancecheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('u'); if (waitmaterialcheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('a'); if (waitinspectioncheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('i'); if(alternatedepartmentcheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('d'); if (trainingcheckbox.checked) errorlist.add('b');
is there way make this.. cleaner? thought using interface or something, seems there isn't easier way .net web forms , asp:checkbox.
basically i'm using list fill intermediate table between 2 tables in database , i'm wondering of there's better way, since still need check on box checked regardless if can iterate through boxes.
the way simplify rename checkboxes error0, error1, error2, etc... , iterate though them doing this:
list<char> errorlist = new list<char>(); int totalerrors = 13; //change accordingly char[] errorid = new char['m', 's', 't', 'p', 'o', 'v', 'c', 'w', 'u', 'a', 'i', 'd', 'b']; for(int = 0; < totalerrors; i++) { string controlid = "error" + i.tostring(); control errorbutton = findcontrol(controlid); if(errorbutton.checked) errorlist.add(char[i]); }
if use remember make id of checkbox correspond element in char[]. example, element 0 in char array used m, means checkbox want have give error m, name error0. code allow add error list without having huge list of if statements. , of course make sure update total error variable accordingly.
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