SQL Server Check Like Constraint for letters and numbers, and a trigger -

i'm creating simple constraint on table's column accepts 3 capital letters first 3 letters, dash "-" , 6 numbers follow. far inserts have been rejected because of it:

my constraint:

alter table equipos add constraint nombre check (idenlace like('[a-z][a-z][a-z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')) go 

trigger caps:

create trigger tr_upper_nombre  on equipos  instead of insert  begin insert equipos select   upper(i.codequipo),i.marcaequipo,i.fchequipo,i.vtoequipo,i.idenlace inserted end go 

edit: example of should valid:


something should invalid

'jhs-929323' 'jhs-99323' 'jhs929323' 

i think constraint wrong. comes after isn't being validated. suggestions who's done similar before?

create constraint this....

alter table equipos add constraint nombre check        (        left(idenlace,3) = upper(left(idenlace,3)) collate latin1_general_cs_ai       , substring(idenlace,4,1) = '-'       , right(idenlace,6) not '%[^0-9]%'       , len(idenlace) = 10       ) go 


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