linux - Consequences of using kill -9 for node processes? -
when reading mongodb's documentation 1 of thing stood out was:
never use kill -9 (i.e. sigkill) terminate mongod instance.
i've been running issues while using foreman start
start node server. foreman start multiple node processes same pid.
however problem when stop node process, node won't stop running , continues use port listening on.
to work around i've been using sudo kill -9 <pid>
node process want terminate. there negative consequences doing this?
also, why mongo warn against using kill -9 terminate mongod instance?
it doesn't give process chance cleanly:
1) shut down socket connections
2) clean temp files
3) inform children going away
4) reset terminal characteristics
these bad consequences of can happen when use kill -9
. should use kill -9
last resort if else has failed.
and second question, because kill -9
kill process if in middle of doing while kill
shutdown process after clean exit.
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