c# - Setting individual values in ASPxGridView -
i have aspxgridview gets populated database. in code works correctly (about 95% sure of this) , want call
e.setvalue("meantime") = meantimecell;
unfortunately not exist. have searched cannot find answer.
protected void rtmonitoringgrid_htmlrowcreated(object sender, devexpress.web.aspxgridviewtableroweventargs e) if (e.rowtype == devexpress.web.gridviewrowtype.data) { //this gets value in gridview string meantimecell = e.getvalue("meantime").tostring(); try { double result; if (double.tryparse(meantimecell, out result)) { //this string want overwrite old cell data meantimecell = string.format("{0}s", math.round(result, 1)); //setvalue called here } } catch (exception ex) { } } }
does know easy fix this? have thought of trying format data before gets put in aspxgridview think prove equally difficult.
make unbound column , handle gridviews oncustomunboundcolumndata event. in event, set value whatever want be.
edit: since need round number database (if willing drop s on end of it) set column's displayformat.formattype "numeric" , displayformat.formatstring display many decimal places want.
you follow approach in devexpress thread listed here
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