excel - Access a variable of a module in another module after running the program which calls that module? -

i have excel file 2 buttons access 2 different modules. can access variable of module in module after running program calls module?

my modules enter image description here

1st module..

public sub directory_path() dim directory string     directory = inputbox("enter directory path contains folders ""this quarter"",""last quarter"",""second_last_quarter"".")     if right(directory, 1) = "\"     directory = left(directory, len(directory) - 1)     end if end sub 

i called the first module in 2nd module using public sub directory_path() . want directory variable in first module used variable in 2nd module...

in 1st module - declare directory public @ top of module outside of sub/function. it's available every module in project:

public directory string  sub directory_path()      directory = inputbox("enter directory path contains folders ""this quarter"",""last quarter"",""second_last_quarter"".")     if right(directory, 1) = "\"     directory = left(directory, len(directory) - 1)     end if  end sub 

in 2nd module, use name directory wherever need it. example:

msgbox "the directory path " & directory 


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