java - Selenium looping sendKeys -

so have gotten far enough locate textbox on facebook, , send person message. want see if can create loop send multiple messages @ once. current problem have loop:

for (int = 0; < 20; i++) {     messagebox.sendkeys("my friend's name " + + " ");     messagebox.sendkeys(keys.enter); } 

however, can once. print "my friend's name0" , stop. java says: element not attached page document.

i assuming because sent message, part of inspect element has changed? there way solve this?

get friend's name excel sheet

make method data excel file:-

public static void fn_fetchexceldata(string filepath,string columnname) throws ioexception{                string wbookpath=filepath;                   workbook wbookobj=fn_getworkbook(filepath);                   sheet sheetobj=wbookobj.getsheetat(0);                   row fstrowobj=sheetobj.getrow(0);                   int cellcount=fstrowobj.getlastcellnum();                   int columnnumber=0;                   arraylist<string> al=new arraylist<string>();                   for(int j=0; j<cellcount;j++){                       if(fstrowobj.getcell(j, row.create_null_as_blank).getstringcellvalue().trim().equalsignorecase(columnname)){                           columnnumber=j;                           break;                       }                   }                   int rowcnt=sheetobj.getlastrownum();                      for(int i=1;i<=rowcnt;i++){                       cell fstcellobj=sheetobj.getrow(i).getcell(columnnumber, row.create_null_as_blank);                       string columnval=fstcellobj.getstringcellvalue();                  al.add(columnval);  call excel method & use      fn_fetchexceldata("your excel data path");                   int j;                      int size = al.size();                         for(j=0;j<size;j++)                         {                             system.out.println(al.get(j));                   messagebox.sendkeys(al.get(j)); 


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