jquery - prevent selecting next dom when dbclicking text in contenteditable -

i have following contenteditable div, mixed text , dom inside follow :

some text<span> </span><span>like select </span> 

my problem is, prevent double clicking word select span arround. exemple, if double click word 'which', selects word , it's needed behavior. problem is, if select word 'would', selects 'would '. how can select 'would' without span on double clic event ?

i tried add whitespace before , after, no result.

just add small snippet of javascript , single words selectable within span elements:

$('span').dblclick(function(e){      e.preventdefault();      var selection = window.getselection();      if (selection.tostring().indexof(' ') > -1)      {          var range = selection.getrangeat(0);          var start = range.startoffset;          var finish = range.endoffset - 1;          setselectionrange(this, start, finish);      }  });    function gettextnodesin(node) {      var textnodes = [];      if (node.nodetype == 3) {          textnodes.push(node);      } else {          var children = node.childnodes;          (var = 0, len = children.length; < len; ++i) {              textnodes.push.apply(textnodes, gettextnodesin(children[i]));          }      }      return textnodes;  }    function setselectionrange(el, start, end) {      if (document.createrange && window.getselection) {          var range = document.createrange();          range.selectnodecontents(el);          var textnodes = gettextnodesin(el);          var foundstart = false;          var charcount = 0, endcharcount;            (var = 0, textnode; textnode = textnodes[i++]; ) {              endcharcount = charcount + textnode.length;              if (!foundstart && start >= charcount                      && (start < endcharcount ||                      (start == endcharcount && <= textnodes.length))) {                  range.setstart(textnode, start - charcount);                  foundstart = true;              }              if (foundstart && end <= endcharcount) {                  range.setend(textnode, end - charcount);                  break;              }              charcount = endcharcount;          }            var sel = window.getselection();          sel.removeallranges();          sel.addrange(range);      } else if (document.selection && document.body.createtextrange) {          var textrange = document.body.createtextrange();          textrange.movetoelementtext(el);          textrange.collapse(true);          textrange.moveend("character", end);          textrange.movestart("character", start);          textrange.select();      }  }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  text<span> </span><span>like select </span>


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