Excel VBA Sentence Case Funtion Needs Fine Tuning -

below function built others changes text sentence case (first letter of each sentence capitalized). function works nicely except doesn't capitalize first letter of first word. issue if sentence entered in caps, function nothing. i'm looking assistance in tweaking function correct these issues.

option explicit  function propercaps(strin string) string  dim objregex object dim objregmc object dim objregm object  set objregex = createobject("vbscript.regexp") strin = lcase$(strin)  objregex     .global = true     .ignorecase = true     .pattern = "(^|[\.\?\!\r\t]\s?)([a-z])"      if .test(strin)         set objregmc = .execute(strin)          each objregm in objregmc             mid$(strin, objregm.firstindex + 1, objregm.length) = ucase$(objregm)         next     end if end  propercaps = strin end function 

thanks, gary

i renamed function sentencecase() , made few more adjustments:

public function sentencecase(byval str string) string     dim regex object, regexm object, indx object, indxs object     set regex = createobject("vbscript.regexp")     str = replace$(str, vbnullchar, vblf)     str = replace$(str, vbback, vblf)     str = ltrim$(lcase$(str))     regex         .ignorecase = true         .multiline = true         .global = true         .pattern = "(^|[\n\f\r\t\v\.\!\?]\s*)(\w)"         if .test(str)             set indxs = .execute(str)             each indx in indxs                 mid$(str, indx.firstindex + 1, indx.length) = ucase$(indx)             next         end if     end     sentencecase = str end function 

this tested with:

msgbox sentencecase(" upper case sentence." & _                     vbcrlf & "next line!next sentence" & _                     vbcr & "cr ! lower case" & _                     vblf & "lf .new sentence" & _                     vbnullchar & " null?null char" & _                     vbnullstring & "nullstring  spaces" & _                     vbtab & "tab char.ttt" & _                     vbback & "back?  char" & _                     vbformfeed & "ff  ff words" & _                     vbverticaltab & "vertical tab.| lower .case words") 


test 1

test 2

test 3

you can find more details here: microsoft - regular expressions


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