node.js - nodejs sync issue with q -

i used http fetch json, can not pass front page, used q, helpfully can execute sync, still problems, can help? //getturnto.js

    var conf = require("../conf/setting.json");     var http = require("http");      function turntougc(){         if(!(this instanceof turntougc)){             return new turntougc();         }     };      turntougc.prototype.getugcjson = function(item,callback){                     var ugcpath = conf.ugcpath;         var options = {             host:conf.ugchost,             port:conf.ugcport,             path:ugcpath         };         http.get(options,function(res){             var buf = "";             res.on("data",function(d){                 buf += d;             });             res.on("error",function(error){                 callback(error);             });             res.on("end", function () {                 var ret;                 try{                     ret = json.parse(buf);                 }catch (err){                     return callback(err);                 }                 callback(null,ret);             })         }).on("error",function(er){             console.log(er);         });     };     module.exports = turntougc; 

then want show it,(i used express generate simple webpage) //this router.index

    var q = require("q");     exports.index = function(req, res,next){         var getturnto = require("getturnto")();         q().then(function(){             getturnto.getugcjson(null,function(err,re){                 if(err){                     console.log(err);                     return {"error":err};                 }else {                     console.log(re);                     return re;                 }             });         })             .then(function(ugcdata){                 res.render('index',                     { title: 'get ugc content',                         data:ugcdata                     }                 );             })             .fail(function(err){                 console.log(err);                 next(err);             });     } 

that json can print out in console, "ugcdata" undefined,and json object can not pass front page.

please read propagation of promises here. since getturnto.getugcjson asynchronous first output handler returning undefined. that's why getting undefined in ugcdata. have return promise inside first output handler. try way:

var q = require("q"); exports.index = function(req, res,next){     var getturnto = require("getturnto")();     q().then(function(){         var deferred = q.defer();         getturnto.getugcjson(null,function(err,re){             if(err){                 console.log(err);                 deferred.reject(new error(error));             }else {                 console.log(re);                 deferred.resolve(re);             }         });         return deferred.promise;     })         .then(function(ugcdata){             res.render('index',                 { title: 'get ugc content',                     data:ugcdata                 }             );         })         .fail(function(err){             console.log(err);             next(err);         }); } 

it better if rewrite getugcjson return promise.


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