oracle - Get all rows from a table having a particular column value but ordered by different column value -

i having trouble formulating question, give example demonstrate. consider table as,

create table abc (     pid number(10,0) not null,     disp_col varchar2(100 byte),     val_col varchar2(20 byte),     ord_col1 number(5,2),     ord_col2 number(5,2),     constraint pk_pid primary key     (         pid     ) ); 

and data have is,

pid | disp_col | val_col | ord_col1 | ord_col2 ---------------------------------------------- 1   | disp1    | val1    | 1        | 14 2   | disp2    | val26   | 2        | 22 3   | disp1    | val8    | 1        | 17 4   | disp1    | val56   | 1        | 9 5   | disp2    | val9    | 2        | -10 6   | disp3    | val12   | 2        | 20 7   | aisp1    | val7    | 2        | -3 

now based on descending ordering of ord_col1, ord_col2, want unique disp_col values , rows of disp_col value follow. data should like,

pid | disp_col | val_col | ord_col1 | ord_col2 ---------------------------------------------- 2   | disp2    | val26   | 2        | 22 5   | disp2    | val9    | 2        | -10 6   | disp3    | val12   | 2        | 20 7   | aisp1    | val7    | 2        | -3 3   | disp1    | val8    | 1        | 17 1   | disp1    | val1    | 1        | 14 4   | disp1    | val56   | 1        | 9 

a simple order ord_col1 desc, ord_col2 desc me order want disp_col occur want same valued rows follow that.

i kind of new oracle , pl/sql, appreciated. in advance.

select * abc order ord_col1 desc, disp_col asc, ord_col2 desc;!4/40401/18

you need order disp_col in asc in order result want. see updated fiddle , code above. give want question.


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