c# - Incorrect Website Mapping in local folder from TFS -

somehow in tfs, in esqwire service solution website esqwireservice. host has been moved tfs path (in tfs folder structure showing correct)

$/esqwire/dev/esqwireservice/esqwireservice/tests/esqwireservice. host 

but when latest version tfs, website esqwireservice. host showing under wrong path i.e

c:\anitha_2\dev\esqwireservice\esqwireservice\esqwireservice. host 

i had removed mapping tfs on folder esqwireservice. host , after latest version, esqwireservice. host there in correct path in tfs. when try open solution, asks me "new projects added solution open? (because there dependent projects added) . when click ok esqwireservice. host moving wrong path i.e

c:\anitha_2\dev\esqwireservice\esqwireservice\esqwireservice. host 

the correct path should same tfs path

c:\anitha_2\dev\esqwireservice\esqwireservice\tests\esqwireservice. host 

you must edit work space definition on tfs. writing steps.

step-1 => open team explorer on visiual studio.

step-2 => click workspace in workspace combobox.

step-3 => click on edit button on window.

step-4 => change local folder information.



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