c# - Unity3D UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied -
i have anayltics in unity3d game , realised android devices throw unauthorizedaccessexception when trying create folder on device.
have @ code throws exception:
static void savetocache(entry entry, byte[] bytes) { if (entry.file != null) { string path = path.getdirectoryname(entry.file); try { if (!directory.exists(path)) directory.createdirectory(path); file.writeallbytes(entry.file, bytes); } catch (exception ex) { analytics.logexception(ex, "couldn't save cache: " + path); } } }
the code looks me, perhaps i'm missing something... not throw on test devices - have stack trace analytics.
more relevant code how build path:
static readonly char directoryseparator = path.directoryseparatorchar; static string bundlefile(string id, string languagecode) { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); sb.append(bundlepath()); sb.append(id); sb.append("_"); sb.append(languagecode.tolower()); sb.append(".json"); return sb.tostring(); } static string bundlepath() { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); sb.append(application.persistentdatapath); sb.append(directoryseparator); sb.append("bundles"); sb.append(directoryseparator); return sb.tostring(); }
please tell me if out there has similar issues. can't rely on application.persistentdatapath ? there better way build path cache files?
i solved problem writing toolkit handling persistent data paths on android. checks write access , uses fallback if disk space running out.
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