java - Spring. How to pass some variable to method in service-activator? -
i newbie in spring, trying understand it. try create rss reader, examples in google overkill , don't understand them. far have beans xml:
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:int="" xmlns:feed="" xsi:schemalocation=""> <int:channel id="inputrssfeedchannel"/> <feed:inbound-channel-adapter id="news" channel="inputrssfeedchannel" url=""> <int:poller fixed-rate="5000"/> </feed:inbound-channel-adapter> <int:service-activator input-channel="inputrssfeedchannel" ref="rssprintoutservice" method="printrss"/> <bean id="rssprintoutservice" class="myapp.rsshandler"/> </beans>
and rsshandler class:
public class rsshandler { private static final logger thelogger = loggerfactory.getlogger(rsshandler.class); public void printrss() { system.out.println("gfgfgfgfgffgfgfg"); } }
the code works correct "gfgfgfgfgffgfgfg" every 5 sec. cannot understand how pass variable (rss entry) rsshandler processing title, date , etc , print there?
spring integration passes message comes particular channel handler. can try like:
public class rsshandler { private static final logger thelogger = loggerfactory.getlogger(rsshandler.class); public void printrss(message m) { // message object in spring integration packages or in spring core packages depending on version system.out.println(m); } }
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