python - Dynamic updating a Matplotlib 3D plot -
i trying update 3d plot using matplotlib. collecting data using ros. want update plot data. have looked around , found this, dynamically updating plot in matplotlib
but cannot work. new python , not full understand how works yet. apologize if code disgusting.
i keep error.
[error] [walltime: 1435801577.604410] bad callback: <function usbl_move @ 0x7f1e45c4c5f0> traceback (most recent call last): file "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 709, in _invoke_callback cb(msg, cb_args) file "/home/nathaniel/simulation/src/move_videoray/src/", line 63, in usbl_move if filter(pos.pose.position.x,pos.pose.position.y,current.position.z): file "/home/nathaniel/simulation/src/move_videoray/src/", line 127, in filter plt.draw() file "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 555, in draw get_current_fig_manager().canvas.draw() file "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/", line 349, in draw tkagg.blit(self._tkphoto, self.renderer._renderer, colormode=2) file "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/", line 13, in blit"pyaggimagephoto", photoimage, id(aggimage), colormode, id(bbox_array)) runtimeerror: main thread not in main loop
this code trying run
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' ths program moves videoray model in rviz using data /usble_pose node based on "using urdf robot_state_publisher" tutorial ''' import rospy import roslib import math import tf #import outlier_filter geometry_msgs.msg import twist, vector3, pose, posestamped, transformstamped matplotlib import matplotlib_fname mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d import sys matplotlib.pyplot import plot numpy import mean, std import matplotlib mpl import numpy np import pandas pd import random import matplotlib.pyplot plt #plt.ion() import matplotlib mpl.rc("savefig", dpi=150) import matplotlib.animation animation import time #filter stuff #window size n = 10 #make starting values #random distance md =[random.random() _ in range(0, n)] #random points x_list = [random.random() _ in range(0, n)] y_list =[random.random() _ in range(0, n)] #set graph fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #ax.scatter(filt_x,filt_y,filt_depth,color='b') #ax.scatter(outlier_x,outlier_y,outlier_depth,color='r') ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') ax.set_title('xy outlier rejection \n mahalanobis distance , rolling mean3') #set robot @ center #//move videoray using data /pose_only node def usbl_move(pos,current): broadcaster = tf.transformbroadcaster() if filter(pos.pose.position.x,pos.pose.position.y,current.position.z): current.position.x = pos.pose.position.x current.position.y = pos.pose.position.y broadcaster.sendtransform( (current.position.x,current.position.y,current.position.z), (current.orientation.x,current.orientation.y,current.orientation.z,current.orientation.w),, "odom", "body" ) #move videoray using data /pose_only node def pose_move(pos,current): #pos.position.z in kpa, has convereted depth # p = p0 + pgz ----> pos.position.z = p0 + pg*z_real z_real = -1*(pos.position.z -101.325)/9.81; #update movement broadcaster = tf.transformbroadcaster() current.orientation.x = pos.orientation.x current.orientation.y = pos.orientation.y current.orientation.z = pos.orientation.z current.orientation.w = pos.orientation.w current.position.z = z_real broadcaster.sendtransform( (current.position.x,current.position.y,current.position.z), (current.orientation.x,current.orientation.y,current.orientation.z,current.orientation.w),, "odom", "body" ) #call fitle date def filter(x,y,z): # update window is_good = false x_list.append(x) y_list.append(y) x_list.pop(0) y_list.pop(0) #get covariance matrix v = np.linalg.inv(np.cov(x_list,y_list,rowvar=0)) #get mean vector r_mean = mean(x_list), mean(y_list) #subtract mean vector point x_diff = np.array([i - r_mean[0] in x_list]) y_diff = np.array([i - r_mean[1] in y_list]) #combinded , transpose x,y diff matrix diff_xy = np.transpose([x_diff, y_diff]) # calculate mahalanobis distance dis = np.sqrt([n-1]),v),diff_xy[n-1])) # update window md.append( dis) md.pop(0) #find mean , standard standard deviation of standard deviation list mu = np.mean(md) sigma = np.std(md) #threshold find if outlier if dis < mu + 1.5*sigma: #filt_x.append(x) #filt_y.append(y) #filt_depth.append(z) ax.scatter(x,y,z,color='b') is_good = true else: ax.scatter(x,y,z,color='r') plt.draw() return is_good if __name__ == '__main__': #set node rospy.init_node('move_unfiltered', anonymous=true) #make broadcaster foir tf frame broadcaster = tf.transformbroadcaster() #make intilial values current = pose() current.position.x = 0 current.position.y = 0 current.position.z = 0 current.orientation.x = 0 current.orientation.y = 0 current.orientation.z = 0 current.orientation.w = 0 #send tf frame broadcaster.sendtransform( (current.position.x,current.position.y,current.position.z), (current.orientation.x,current.orientation.y,current.orientation.z,current.orientation.w),, "odom", "body" ) #listen information rospy.subscriber("/usbl_pose", posestamped, usbl_move,current) rospy.subscriber("/pose_only", pose, pose_move, current); rospy.spin()
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