spring - ¿Restful Service opening socket connection and reuses the same connection in all requests? -
i connect transactional server socket server. requirement asked have 1 connection socket, , in same connection transactions sent. i'm working java ee, spring, jboss server. idea create restful service, other applications connect , send transactions. possible open client socket connection, , in same connection open send , receive messages client - server?
i have no idea how it, because every time invoke service rest, application attempt create new socket connection server, , not reuse open connection.
if want open 1 socket , keep open can use incase have spring 4.0 websockets http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html
using websocket can create 1 tcp/ip connection between client/server , keep open during whole time make bidirectional transactions , being reused transactions want.
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