batch file - How to make %random% show up a negative result? -

i'm making game there stocks, , want them able go negative, know how limit positive random numbers, how %random% make negative value? and, making %random% generate negative numbers possible?

to produce random number in range minrand maxrand use

set /a selection=%random% %% (%maxrand% - %minrand% + 1) + %minrand% 

here's sampler : change values assigned minrand , maxrand test:

@echo off setlocal  set /a minrand=-3 set /a maxrand=3  /l %%a in (1,1,20) call :genshow goto :eof  :genshow set /a selection=%random% %% (%maxrand% - %minrand% + 1) + %minrand% echo %selection% goto :eof 


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