How do I clear screen in julia-app mac OS-X? -

**how clear screen in julia-app mac os-x **

in mac terminal - clear clear terminal screen.

how do same in julia interactive app in mac os x?

use keyboard shortcut: ctrl + l.

use julia's repl shell mode:

julia> ; # upon typing ;, prompt changes (in place) to: shell>  shell> clear    # unix  shell> cmd /c cls    # windows 

if need function use run function:

julia> ? # upon typing ?, prompt changes (in place) to: help>  help?> run info: loading data...     run command object, constructed backticks. throws error    if goes wrong, including process exiting non-    0 status.  julia> using compat: @static, is_unix    # `pkg.add("compat")` if not installed.  julia> clear() = run(@static is_unix() ? `clear` : `cmd /c cls`) clear (generic function 1 method)  julia> clear() 

this works in platform , version independent way (tested in windows , linux, julia versions 0.3.12, 0.4.5 , 0.5.+).


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