python - How to access a method in one inherited tkinter class from another inherited tkinter class -

i've programmed using tkinter before, did long procedural gui class implemented other non gui classes i've created. time wanted using more oop making more modular.

i ran problem, i've searched answers , haven't found any, means it's either easy or i'm wrong. created inherited classes tk.labelframe , created gui widgets in them. have methods manipulate widgets in classes can't figure out how execute function in inherited class, partly because can't figure out how correctly instantiate object other class (which have tkinter ('parent') objects parameters).

would overloading constructors? i've seen @classmethods , *args, **kwargs haven't acted on them i'm not sure if that's right route either. there's debate best/correct way implement overloaded constructor in python. i'm stumped apropos i'm trying accomplish...


#python 2.7 on win7 import tkinter tk  class testing(tk.labelframe):     buttonwidth = 10      def __init__(self, parent):          self.parent=parent         #results = results(???) #<-- don't know how instantiate results object          tk.labelframe.__init__(self, self.parent,              text="test operations",             padx=10,             pady=10,         )          self.taskbutton = tk.button(             self,              text="do task",              width=self.buttonwidth,             command=self.doatask,         )          self.taskbutton.pack()      def doatask(self):         #want execute function in results.getresult() don't know how         #results.getresults()  #<--what want         print("place holder")  class results(tk.labelframe):      def __init__(self, parent):         self.parent = parent         tk.labelframe.__init__(self, self.parent, text="visual results")          self.resultlbl = tk.label(self, text="result")          self.resultlbl.pack()      def getresult(self):         self.resultlbl.configure(bg='yellow')    class application(tk.frame):      def __init__(self, parent):         self.parent = parent         tk.frame.__init__(self, self.parent)          self.testing = testing(self.parent)         self.results = results(self.parent)          self.testing.pack(fill=tk.x)         self.results.pack(fill=tk.x)  if __name__ == "__main__":     root =     root.title("modular gui app")      application(root).pack()     root.mainloop() 

i'd recommend sticking instance variables, created each individual object, unlike class variables shared among of class's instantiations - prepend variable names self. (e.g. self.results). also, stick naming conventions don't have testing class , testing object of class.

you instantiate objects according __init__. results class has __init__ defined def __init__(self, parent):, needs parent. if want have same parent testing object created it, results = results(parent). however, don't want (see below).

a problem encountered after making above change application class instantiated own results object, , being displayed, not 1 created testing object. refer object instead of creating new one. pass application object each of these classes can refer each other. now, having said that, it's better have each class know little other classes possible, making change in 1 class doesn't require changes in other classes.

the following code make label yellow when click button.

import tkinter tk  class testing(tk.labelframe):     def __init__(self, parent, main):          self.buttonwidth = 10          self.parent=parent         self.main = main # save instantiating class          tk.labelframe.__init__(self, self.parent,              text="test operations",             padx=10,             pady=10         )          self.taskbutton = tk.button(             self,              text="do task",              width=self.buttonwidth,             command=self.doatask,         )          self.taskbutton.pack()      def doatask(self):         #want execute function in results.getresult() don't know how         self.main.results.getresult()  #<--what can  class results(tk.labelframe):      def __init__(self, parent, main):         self.parent = parent         self.main = main # save instantiating class         tk.labelframe.__init__(self, self.parent, text="visual results")          self.resultlbl = tk.label(self, text="result")          self.resultlbl.pack()      def getresult(self):         self.resultlbl.config(bg='yellow')  class application(tk.frame):      def __init__(self, parent):         self.parent = parent         tk.frame.__init__(self, self.parent)          self.testing = testing(self.parent, self)         self.results = results(self.parent, self)          self.testing.pack(fill=tk.x)         self.results.pack(fill=tk.x)  if __name__ == "__main__":     root =     root.title("modular gui app")      application(root).pack()     root.mainloop() 


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