unity3d - image couldn't loaded from ios device in unity -

i using unity load facebook profile picture saved in device. code working fine in android not ios. suffering problem many days. here code, please me.

using unityengine; using system.collections; using system.io; using unityengine.ui;  public class userprofilepicture : monobehaviour { public rawimage profilepicture, testprofile; private texture2d texture,text;    void fixedupdate(){     if (fbsetup.userinfoloaded) {         if(spfacebook.instance.userinfo.getprofileimage(facebookprofileimagesize.square) != null) {             text = spfacebook.instance.userinfo.getprofileimage(facebookprofileimagesize.square);         }     }      testprofile.texture = text texture;      byte[] texturebyte = text.encodetopng ();     file.writeallbytes (path.combine(application.persistentdatapath,"profilepicture.png"),texturebyte);      debug.log("save path: " + application.persistentdatapath + path.directoryseparatorchar + "profilepicture.png");      if(file.exists(application.persistentdatapath + path.directoryseparatorchar + "profilepicture.png")){         debug.log("texture saved");     }  }  void update(){     startcoroutine (control ());     profilepicture.texture = texture texture; }   ienumerator control(){     www pictureurl;     pictureurl = new www(system.uri.escapeuristring("file://" + path.combine(application.persistentdatapath,"profilepicture.png")));      yield return new waitforendofframe();     texture = pictureurl.texture;      debug.log("loaded path: " + path.combine(application.persistentdatapath,"profilepicture.png")); }   void onenable(){     if (global.playasguest) {         this.gameobject.setactive(false);     }     else{         this.gameobject.setactive(true);     } } 

appreciate help, thanks!

it turned out problem following line.

yield return new waitforendofframe(); 

obviously, 1 frame not enough load file disk. lucky enough on android device. should change line to

yield return pictureurl; 

so wait until it's done loading.


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