emacs - org-bibtex-yank fails with Wrong type argument: stringp, nil -

org 8.2.10 emacs 24.4.1

i have bibtex entry in scratch buffer, m-w entry.

it's in kill-ring

i swap org-mode buffer , try

m org-bibtex-yank

i receive error: wrong type argument: stringp, nil

i've toggled-debug-on-error , backtrace below. have checked entry on kill-ring - can yank scratch buffer.

i've set debug-on-entry org-bibtex-yank, , went long way down rabbit hole! can see entry in steps of debugger, got lost!

i'd grateful pointers on either problem, or getting more information might help.


debugger entered--lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) looking-at(nil) bibtex-parse-entry() org-bibtex-read() org-bibtex-yank() call-interactively(org-bibtex-yank record nil) command-execute(org-bibtex-yank record) execute-extended-command(nil "org-bibtex-yank") smex-read-and-run(("toggle-debug-on-error" "org-bibtex-yank" "debug-on-entry" "describe-function" "apropos" "set-variable" "package-list-packages" "load-theme" "describe-variable" "bibtex-yank" "eshell" "package-refresh-contents" "yank" "org-mode" "org-bibtex" "flyspell-mode" "server-force-delete" "org-bibtex-read-buffer" "r" "s" "s+" "cd" "dm" "5x5" "s+3" "s+6" "sas" "arp" "dbx" "dig" "erc" "ert" "eww" "ftp" "gdb" "irc" "jdb" "man" "mpc" "pdb" "pwd" "rsh" "sdb" "xdb" "sqpe" "calc" "diff" "dirs" "ffap" "gnus" ...)) smex() call-interactively(smex nil nil) command-execute(smex) 

i know issue "org-bibtex-yank fails wrong type argument: stringp, nil". can't paste bibtex-entry web , paste org file via org-bibtex-yank.

my current work around:

  • open in emacs buffer bibtex mode. may use dummy.bib
  • in bibtex-mode buffer call m-x bibtex-set-dialect
  • choose either bibtex or biblatex

now paste bibtex-entry bib-file , check behavior: - mark , copy via m-w bibentry in bibtex-mode buffer - change org file - use there m-x org-bibtex-yank.

typically works.

the issue seems bibtex-parse-entry requires bibtex-set-dialect called before calling it.

unfortunately can't (simple) file variable in bibtex file. m-x add-file-local-variable variable bibtex , value either bibtex or biblatex won't work. bibtex.el not support this.

try in org file

# local variables: # eval: (bibtex-set-dialect 'biblatex) # end: 

try in bibtex file

m-x add-file-local-variable 

and replace line

bibtex: biblatex 


eval: (bibtex-set-dialect 'biblatex) 

or read:



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