java - Illegal access error when initializing SparkConf - MLLIB -


i'm playing around spark , mllib. installed scala , spark, versions mentioned below.

scala - 2.11.7 spark - 1.4.0 (did mvn package -dscala-2.11)

i'm trying run java classification, clustering examples came along documentation. however, i'm getting illegal access error when i'm trying initialize sparkconf object.

i'm trying basic :

> sparkconf conf = new sparkconf().setappname("svm classifier example"); > sparkcontext sc = new sparkcontext(conf); 

please find error trace below :

exception in thread "main" java.lang.illegalaccesserror: tried access method scala.collection.mutable.hashset.()v class org.apache.spark.util.utils$ @ org.apache.spark.util.utils$.(utils.scala:195) @ org.apache.spark.util.utils$.(utils.scala) @ org.apache.spark.sparkconf.(sparkconf.scala:58) @ multinomiallogisticregressionexample.main(

how go this? did googling , couldn't conclude. please , thank in advance.

try scala 2.10 instead. using mllib , had issues scala 2.11 after switching 2.10 works without problem.


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