bc utility in java, fails for some cases -

i trying write simple bc utility in java. program works fine cases failing expression 4+4*3-3-2-1/3. consecutive - operators. not sure if covered edge cases. suggestions make better helpful. thanks

//enum operations allowed. private enum operators {     add         (1, "+"),     subtract   (1, "-"),     multiply    (2, "*"),     divide      (2, "/");      string operator;     // operator priority     int weight;     operators(int w, string o) {         this.operator = o;         this.weight = w;     }      public string getoperator() {         return operator;     }      public int getweight() {         return weight;     } } // stack , queue convert expression postfix linkedlist<string> resultqueue = new linkedlist<string>(); stack<operators> operatorstack = new stack<operators>(); //stack evaluate postfix expression stack<integer> evalstack = new stack<integer>();  public int eval(string exp) {     char[] expchar = exp.tochararray();     int = 0;     stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();     while (i < expchar.length){         if (expchar[i] >= '0' && expchar[i] <= '9') {             sb.append(expchar[i]);              if (i == expchar.length - 1) {                 resultqueue.add(sb.tostring());                 while (!operatorstack.isempty()){                     resultqueue.add(operatorstack.pop().getoperator());                 }             }         } else if (expchar[i] == '+' || expchar[i] == '-' || expchar[i] == '/' || expchar[i] == '*'){             if (sb.length() > 0) {                 resultqueue.add(sb.tostring());                 sb = new stringbuilder();             }                 pushoperator(expchar[i]);         } else         return 0;         i++;     }     (string r : resultqueue){         if (r.charat(0) > '0' && r.charat(0) < '9'){             evalstack.push(integer.valueof(r));         }else {             try {                 int op2 = evalstack.pop();                 int op1 = evalstack.pop();                 if (r.charat(0) == '+')                     evalstack.push(integer.valueof(op1+op2));                 else if (r.charat(0) == '-')                     evalstack.push(integer.valueof(op1-op2));                 else if (r.charat(0) == '/')                     evalstack.push(integer.valueof(op1/op2));                 else if (r.charat(0) == '*')                     evalstack.push(integer.valueof(op1*op2));             } catch (exception e){                 system.out.println("parse error");                 return 0;             }         }     }     int result=0;     try{         result = evalstack.pop();     }catch (exception e){         system.out.println("parse error");     }      return result; }  private void pushoperator(char c) {     operators val = getoperator(c);     if (operatorstack.isempty() || val.getweight() >= operatorstack.peek().getweight()){         operatorstack.push(val);     } else {         while (!operatorstack.isempty() && val.getweight() <= operatorstack.peek().getweight()){             resultqueue.add(operatorstack.pop().getoperator());         }         operatorstack.push(val);     } }  private operators getoperator(char c) {     (operators o: operators.values()){         if (o.getoperator().equals(string.valueof(c)))             return o;     }     throw new illegalargumentexception("operator not supported"); }  public static void main(string[] args) {      bc bc = new bc();     system.out.println("please enter expression: ");     scanner scn = new scanner(system.in);     string exp = scn.nextline();     //remove white spaces     exp = exp.replaceall(" ", "");     system.out.println("result: " + bc.eval(exp));     scn.close(); } 

the problem consecutive minus operations compute in wrong direction. compute right left whereas need computer left right.

if have on stack operants 12 3 2 0 - - - compute effectively

12 - (3 - (2 - 0)) = 11 

wheras correct be

12 - (3 + 2 + 0) = 7 

one possible soulution fix be. before start computation need change operants on stack 12 3 2 0 + + -.

see snippet executed before computation loop.

// code ...     }     i++; }  (i = 0; < resultqueue.size() - 1; i++) {     if ("-".equals(resultqueue.get(i)) && "-".equals(resultqueue.get(i+1))) {         resultqueue.set(i, "+");     } }  // code (string r : resultqueue) {     if (r.charat(0) > '0' && r.charat(0) < '9') { ... 


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