java - @Valid annotation is not working in spring boot -

here scenario, controller annotated @restcontroller , put method @requestbody argument needs validated. use @valid annotation on argument , @notnull,@min annotations on bean fields, not working.

code here:

the bean:

public class purchasewrapper {   @decimalmin(value = "0.00",message = "discount must positive")   @notnull   private bigdecimal discount;   @notnull   private long merchandiseid;   @notnull   private long addressid;   @min(1)   @notnull   private integer count; } 

the controller

@restcontroller @requestmapping("merchandises") public class merchandisecontroller {  @requestmapping(value = "purchase",method = requestmethod.put) public responseentity<restentity> purchase(@valid @validated @requestbody purchasewrapper purchasewrapper,                                            @requestparam string token){     return new responseentity<>(merchandiseservice.purchase(purchasewrapper,token),httpstatus.ok); }  @autowired purchasewrappervalidator purchasewrappervalidator;  @initbinder(value = "purchasewrapper") protected void initbinder(webdatabinder binder) {     binder.setvalidator(purchasewrappervalidator); } } 

the pom file:

    <dependency>         <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid>         <artifactid>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactid>     <dependency>     <dependency>         <groupid>org.hibernate</groupid>         <artifactid>hibernate-validator</artifactid>     </dependency> 

i have no idea what's wrong here... , guess it's problem use @valid , @validated annotations both on same argument. though omit @validated annotation, @valid still not working...

any ideas?

i figured out... it's because purchasewrappervalidator implements org.springframework.validation.validator overrides default javax.validation.* annotations.


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