php - YAML and symfony2 -
i have noticed in config.yml file of symfony2, import feature used below
imports: - { resource: security.yml } - { resource: services.yml }
i using yaml file in own bundle init read entities. however, jam-packed in 1 single yaml file. using symfony\component\yaml\parser;
component read file.
however, if try copy nice feature of import
, parser reads , doesn't interpret import nor resource keyword.
imports: - { resource: test.yml }
that var_dump node tree without interpretation. test not loaded.
how can use same feature in config.yml file ?
well suggested anthon, created own implementation using symfony components, here class people interested ( it's basic implementation, whatever want it)
use symfony\component\yaml\parser; use symfony\component\filesystem\filesystem; class myymlparser { protected $parser; protected $finder; protected $currentdir; protected $ymlpath; protected $data; public function __construct($rootdir) { $this->rootdir = $rootdir; $this->parser = new parser(); $this->fs = new filesystem; } public function setymlpath($ymlpath) { $this->ymlpath = $ymlpath; $this->currentdir = dirname($this->ymlpath) . "/"; return $this; } public function getymlpath() { return $this->ymlpath; } private function parsefile($path) { if ($this->fs->exists($path)): return $this->parser->parse(file_get_contents($path)); else: throw new \exception("$path not exsist"); endif; } private function buildpathfromimport($filename) { return $this->currentdir . $filename; } public function parse($ymlpath) { $this->setymlpath($ymlpath); $this->data = $this->parsefile($this->ymlpath); if (isset($this->data["imports"])): foreach ($this->data["imports"] $array): $importdata = $this->parsefile($this->buildpathfromimport($array["resource"])); $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $importdata); endforeach; unset($this->data['imports']); endif; #dump($this->data); exit(); return $this->data; } }
usage quite simple:
//follow symfony syntax imports is: imports: - { resource: test.yml } - { resource: nested/dir/test2.yml } $myymlparser = new myymlparser(); $parseddata = $myymlparser->parse($path); //the path yml file //thats it, got array data form other files , original file. //dont forget add services rootdir amcebundle.ymlparser: class: op\acmebundle\services\myymlparser arguments: ["%kernel.root_dir%"]
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