XFS CEN not update printer status of ATM -
i want atm journal printer status using wfsgetinfo()
xf api function. returns status not updated.
hresult resultexec= wfsgetinfo( hser,wfs_inf_ptr_status,null,wfs_indefinite_wait,&lp); printf("\n printer result deviceasync===> %d \n", ((lpwfsptrstatus)lp->lpbuffer)->fwdevice); switch(((lpwfsptrstatus)lp->lpbuffer)->fwdevice) { case wfs_ptr_devonline : printf("\n printer result wfs_ptr_devonline : device online. \n"); break; case wfs_stat_devhwerror: printf("\n printer result wfs_stat_devhwerror : device inoperable due hardware error.\n"); break; case wfs_ptr_devnodevice: printf("\n printer result wfs_ptr_devnodevice : there no device intended there; e.g. type of self service machine not contain such device or internally not configured.\n"); break; case wfs_ptr_devoffline: printf("\n printer result wfs_ptr_devoffline : device offline \n"); break; case wfs_ptr_devpoweroff : printf("\n printer result wfs_ptr_devpoweroff : device powered off or physically not connected.\n"); break; case wfs_ptr_devusererror : printf("\n printer result wfs_ptr_devusererror : device present person preventing proper device operation.\n"); break; case wfs_ptr_devbusy : printf("\n printer result wfs_ptr_devbusy : device busy , unable process execute command @ time.\n"); break; case wfs_ptr_devfraudattempt: printf("\n printer result wfs_ptr_devfraudattempt : device present inoperable because has detected fraud attempt.\n"); break; case wfs_ptr_devpotentialfraud: printf("\n printer result wfs_ptr_devpotentialfraud : device has detected potential fraud attempt , capable of remaining in service. in case application should make decision whether take device offline.\n"); break; }
anyone know why?
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