javascript - Can Someone Explain this regex snippet? -

i found replace code looks regular expressions in them can't decipher

new date().toisostring().   replace(/[z|t|\.]/gim," ").   replace(/\d{3}\s$/gim, " ").   replace(/:\d{2}\s+$/, " ").   trim() + "\n") 

sorry if that's vague. i'm not sure looking at

the code

new date().toisostring() 

generates looks this


the regex put format

2015-07-01 17:21 

all of regex has flags g, m, , i. straight regex101 means:

g modifier: global. matches (don't return on first match)

i modifier: insensitive. case insensitive match (ignores case of [a-za-z])

m modifier: multi-line. causes ^ , $ match begin/end of each line (not begin/end of string)

the first regex


actually has mistake. whoever wrote assumed | means or not case inside square brackets. better written as


this match 2015-07-01t17:21:22.123z , replace

replace(/[z|t|\.]/gim," ") 

will replace every character matches regex space. giving new string

2015-07-01 17:21:22 123 

the next regex \d{3}\s$ matches , replaces 2015-07-01 17:21:22 123, giving you:

2015-07-01 17:21:22 

finally regex :\d{2}\s+$ matches , replaces 2015-07-01 17:21:22, giving you

2015-07-01 17:21 

and spaces trimmed off.

all in not great of way want. either better substrings or momentjs else said.


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