python - PySpark broadcast value to dictionary -
have pyspark broadcast value content this:
[('b000jz4hqo', {'rom': 2.4051362683438153, 'clickart': 56.65432098765432, '950': 254.94444444444443, 'image': 3.6948470209339774, 'premier': 9.27070707070707, '000': 6.218157181571815, 'dvd': 1.287598204264871, 'broderbund': 22.169082125603865, 'pack': 2.98180636777128}), ('b0006zf55o', {'laptops': 11.588383838383837, 'desktops': 12.74722222222222, 'backup': 2.8015873015873014, 'win': 0.501859142607174, 'ca': 9.10515873015873, 'v11': 50.98888888888888, '30u': 84.98148148148148, '30pk': 254.94444444444443, 'desktop': 2.23635477582846, '1': 0.3231235037318687, 'arcserve': 24.28042328042328, 'computer': 0.6965695203400122, 'lap': 127.47222222222221, 'oem': 46.35353535353535, 'international': 9.44238683127572, 'associates': 7.284126984126985})]
so key->list broadcast variable.
attempts convert broadcast.value dictionary results in
typeerror: unhashable type: 'dict'
using code like
from itertools import izip amazonweightsbroadcast = sc.broadcast(amazonweightsrdd.collect()) = iter(amazonweightsbroadcast.value) amazonweightsdict = dict(izip(i, i))
also tried (gives same "unshapable" error):
amazonweightsdict = dict(amazonweightsbroadcast.value[i:i+2] in range(0, len(amazonweightsbroadcast.value), 2))
so if it's not possible convert broadcast variable dictionary, better solution lookup value-list key?
python 2.7.6 spark 1.3.1
took me while.. problem in how broadcast variable created. had use .collectasmap() , not .collect() working expected.
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