Issue with showing content from Firebase using Google Polymer Firebase element -

i have faq page reads firebase node , lists q & contents using below lines of code:

<firebase-auth  id="fblogin" provider="anonymous" location=""></firebase-auth>  <firebase-collection orderbypriority log id="fbfaq" location="" data="{{faqs}}"></firebase-collection>   <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[faqs]]" as="faq">     <div class="forborder">             <akyral-details id="[[faq.__firebasekey__]]">                  <akyral-summary>[[faq.q]]</akyral-summary>                  <p class="answer">[[faq.a]]</p>             </akyral-details>     </div>   </template>  

i have link mainpage faq page , upon click works perfect! when go main page , click again faq link page renders nothing. if refresh page fine.

to recreate following:

  1. open , click faq page link @ bottom . see list of q & a
  2. then click left arrow on top go main page
  3. now click faq link again , not see anything,but in console see fetching data. also, refreshing page makes okay

i bet it's race condition. firebase-auth , firebase-collection firing @ same time, causing try fetch collection before it's authorized. try wrapping firebase-collection in <template is="dom-if" if="{{fbuser}}"> doesn't stamped until auth completed.


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