Vim - When I run my Java file, the println statements don't seem to be getting executed -

i'm using gvim. created file caled , inside file:

public class insertionsort {     public static void main (string[] args) {         system.out.println("hello world");     } } 

i opened terminal , did

sudo apt-get install default-jdk 

to install javac. next, went gvim , did:

:!javac % 

to run current file. when did this, said:

!javac /documents/java/ press enter or type command continue 

and when press enter, goes doesn't print anything. looked @ post: compiling java code in vim more efficiently , highest rated answer said add these .vimrc file:

autocmd filetype java set makeprg=javac\ % set errorformat=%a%f:%l:\ %m,%-z%p^,%-c%.%# map <f9> :make<return>:copen<return> map <f10> :cprevious<return> map <f11> :cnext<return> 

after adding above lines .vimrc file, reopend gvim / , pressed f9 , said:

!javac documents/java/ 2>&1| tee /tmp/vcqce1x/8  :copen  press enter or type command continue 

and when pressed enter, opened new gvim file called:

[quickfix list] :javac documents/java/ 

and file did not have in (it didn't "hello world"). how make run file displays "hello world"?

i think may mixing java , javac programs. javac compiles *.java source files *.class bytecode files. java takes compiled *.class bytecode files , runs them. if goal compile , run file called, you'll need this:

javac java example 


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