c# - Why a Panel blinks while removing it and its childs? -

i have form custom controls, usercontrols. 1 of these controls composed other controls: tablelayoutpanel, picturebox (it inside of usercontrol), label. visually depicted in following way:

visual description

as can see in image, red rectangle usercontrol, orange rectangles tablelayoutpanel, yellow , green chairs other usercontrol controls composed picturebox , label.

the chairs (yellow , green ones) draw dynamically. example draw yellow chairs:

    private void dibujarsillaseconomicas()     {         silla[] cheapchairs = m_avion.getcheapchairs();         silla silla;         byte fila_silla = 0;         byte col_silla = 0;         controlvisualchair ctlsillagrafica;          for(int num_silla = 0; num_silla < cheapchairs.length; ++num_silla)         {             silla = cheapchairs[num_silla];             ctlsillagrafica = new controlsillagrafica(silla);             ctlsillagrafica.dock = dockstyle.fill;             ctlsillagrafica.backcolor = color.black;              if (num_silla > 0 & num_silla % 6 == 0)             {                 ++fila_silla;                 col_silla = 0;             }              tplsillaseconomicas.controls.add(ctlsillagrafica, col_silla == 3? ++col_silla : col_silla, fila_silla);              ++col_silla;         }     } 

these chairs , yellow ones drawn correctly. problem appears when want register passenger:

adding passenger

note when add passenger controls blink. in code when finish adding passenger:

this.controls.remove(ctlavion); // removes actual usercontrol (red rectangle) ctlavion = new controlavion(m_avion); // creates new 1 ctlavion.location = new point(2, 13); ctlavion.size = new size(597, 475); this.controls.add(ctlavion); // adds new usercontrol main controls (a form). 

how can avoid blink effect when?

i have tried following usercontrols methods:

ctlavion.invalidate(); ctlavion.update(); ctlavion.refresh(); 

but not work!

thanks in advance help!


the answer given @idle_mind specific problem , solved problem re-painting/drawing custom controls have designed.

turn off updates wm_setredraw, update ui, turn them on , refresh form:

    // ... @ form level ...     private const int wm_setredraw = 11;       [system.runtime.interopservices.dllimport("user32.dll")]     public static extern int sendmessage(intptr hwnd, int32 wmsg, bool wparam, int32 lparam);      // ... method ...          sendmessage(this.handle, wm_setredraw, false, 0); // turn updates off          this.controls.remove(ctlavion); // removes actual usercontrol (red rectangle)         ctlavion = new controlavion(m_avion); // creates new 1         ctlavion.location = new point(2, 13);         ctlavion.size = new size(597, 475);         this.controls.add(ctlavion); // adds new usercontrol main controls (a form).          sendmessage(this.handle, wm_setredraw, true, 0); // turn updates on         this.invalidate();         this.refresh(); 


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