ios - GADBanner error Stack Trace -

it seems have new error in app update. stack trace flurry analytics. ideas means?

full stack trace: 0   libobjc.a.dylib                     0x1966fbbd0 _objc_msgsend + 16 1   appname                             0x1002f3c28 -[gadbannerview slotfinishedloadingadcontent:] + 220 2   appname                             0x1002e3520 +[gadmacros runsynchronouslyonmainthreadwithblock:] + 64 3   appname                             0x1002f3bb0 -[gadbannerview slotfinishedloadingadcontent:] + 100 4   appname                             0x1002f890c -[gadslot adfinishedloadingcontent] + 56 5   appname                             0x1002eefc0 -[gadbannerwebviewdelegate webviewdidfinishload:] + 548 6   appname                             0x1003248c4 -[gadwebview webviewdidfinishload:] + 100 7   corefoundation                      0x1860b7df0 <redacted> + 144 8   corefoundation                      0x185fb665c -[nsinvocation invoke] + 296 9   corefoundation                      0x185fbb1f0 -[nsinvocation invokewithtarget:] + 68 10  webkitlegacy                        0x194835754 -[_websafeforwarder forwardinvocation:] + 172 11  corefoundation                      0x1860b5c60 <redacted> + 440 12  corefoundation                      0x185fbb08c __cf_forwarding_prep_0 + 92 13  corefoundation                      0x1860b7df0 <redacted> + 144 14  corefoundation                      0x185fb665c -[nsinvocation invoke] + 296 15  webcore                             0x1939ea8f4 <redacted> + 120 16  corefoundation                      0x18606a324 <redacted> + 24 17  corefoundation                      0x1860695c8 <redacted> + 264 18  corefoundation                      0x186067678 <redacted> + 712 19  corefoundation                      0x185f95664 _cfrunlooprunspecific + 396 20  graphicsservices                    0x18f0cf5a4 _gseventrunmodal + 168 21  uikit                               0x18a89a984 _uiapplicationmain + 1488 22  appname                             0x10010cd0c -[mainrowtype .cxx_destruct] + 180 23  libdyld.dylib                       0x196d56a08 <redacted> + 4 

so app crashing admob sdk itself?


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