javascript - How can I associate a number to a specific string and use that string to filter an iteration in AngularJS? -

i new angularjs , i'm having problems doing reusable generic filter.

let's have colors, types, , list objects seen below (new json). want make generic filter take colors , types objects , filter list object without having use string match filter.

for did specific filters strings seen below.

i have lot of information in these objects , don't want update controller each time new property being included in json.

how associate number specific string value?

old json

[     {         "id": 1,         "name": "spike",         "type": "dog",         "color": "gray"     },     {         "id": 2,         "name": "tom",         "type": "cat",         "color": "blue"     },     {         "id": 3,         "name": "butch",         "type": "cat",         "color": "black"     } ] 

new jsons

// colors [     {"gray": 1},     {"black": 2},     {"blue": 3}, ]  // types  [     {"dog": 1},     {"cat": 2} ]  // data list [     {       "id": 1,       "type": 1,       "name": "spike",       "color": 1     },     {       "id": 2,       "type": 2,       "name": "tom",       "color": 3     },     {       "id": 3,       "type": 2,       "name": "butch",       "color": 2     } ] 


        <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-striped table-hover">             <thead>                 <tr>                     <th>                         <a>                             filters:                         </a>                     </th>                 </tr>             </thead>             <tbody>                 <tr ng-repeat="item in typeitems">                     <td>                         <label class="check">                             <input type="checkbox" ng-model="typefilteritems[item.type]">{{item.type}}                         </label>                     </td>                 </tr>                 <tr ng-repeat="item in coloritems">                     <td>                         <label class="check">                             <input type="checkbox" ng-model="colorfilteritems[item.color]">{{item.color}                         </label>                     </td>                 </tr>             </tbody>         </table> 


        <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-striped table-hover header-fixed">             <thead>                 <tr>                     <th>id</th>                     <th>type</th>                     <th>color</th>                     <th>name</th>                 </tr>             </thead>             <tbody>                 <tr class="list" ng-repeat="item in animals | filter:typefilter | filter:colorfilter">                     <td>{{}</td>                     <td>{{item.type}}</td>                     <td>{{item.color}}</td>                     <td>{{}}</td>                 </tr>             </tbody>         </table> 


    animals.list().then(function (data) {         $scope.animals = data;     });      $scope.colorfilteritems = { 'black': true, 'gray': false, 'blue': false }; // doing have predefined filter selection ...     $scope.coloritems = [{ name: 'black' }, { name: 'gray' }, { name: 'blue' }];      $scope.colorfilter = function (item) {         return $scope.colorfilteritems[item.color]     };      $scope.typefilteritems = { 'dog': true, 'cat': false }; // doing have predefined filter selection ...     $scope.typeitems = [{ name: 'black' }, { name: 'gray' }, { name: 'blue' }];      $scope.typefilter = function (item) {         return $scope.typefilteritems[item.type]     }; 

since no 1 answered found solution.

the answer use lodash directly inside service , create filter method inside promise looks selected property inside filter objects , compares them data want display.

filteranimals = () => {     intersectedresults =     _.filter(animals,(animal: ianimal) => {         var colors = _.find(colorlabels,(item: ifilter) => {             return (animal.color ? item.label === animal.color : item.label == null) && item.selected;         });         var types = _.find(typelabels,(item: ifilter) => {             return (animal.type ? item.label === animal.type : item.label == null) && item.selected;         });         return colors && types;     });     return data; }; 

after doing acces filteranimals() function controller , bind checkbox filters data. when doing ng-change on checkbox function executes , checks filters against data , shows data need.


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