javascript - How to define custom filter for ui-select module in AngularJS? -
here code select-field in html:
<ui-select ng-model="group.selected" theme="selectize" ng-click="searchdisabled(3)" ng-disabled="disabledgroup"> <ui-select-match placeholder="choose group"> {{$}} </ui-select-match> <ui-select-choices repeat="group in groups | filter: $"> <span ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></span> <small ng-bind-html="group.code | highlight: $"></small> </ui-select-choices> </ui-select>
then field who's important filter table list:
<tr ng-repeat="item in filterednames = (nameslist | filter:search | selectgroup:group.selected)"> <td>{{ item.lname }}</td> <td>{{ item.fname }}</td> <td>{{ item.maxage }}</td> </tr>
i'm using ngmodel value ui-select-tag in custom filter selectgroup parameter filter.
the nameslist values coming database. here json result of request qr_group db-table:
{ "qr_name":[ { "id":31, "lname":"bricks", "fname":"johnny", "maxage":24, "qr_groupid":6 }, { "id":4, "lname":"schon", "fname":"toni", "maxage":54, "qr_groupid":6 }, { "id":56, "lname":"houston", "fname":"monica", "maxage":29, "qr_groupid":6 }, ], "id":6, "name":"south america", "code":"sa" }
this json format i'm getting webapi method getgroup. how can display qr_name array on table list custom filter?
this first thought:
testapp.filter('selectgroup', ['$log', function ($log) { return function (nameslist, group) { group = group || ''; $'fondslist:', fondslist); $'filter group:', group); var selectlist = []; angular.foreach(fondslist, function (input) { if (group == input.qr_name['qr_groupid']) { selectlist.push(input); } }); } }]);
but filter doesn't work correctly.
angular ui-select added support custom filters in 0.12 group-filter attribute -
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