SQL Server - where + TVF/SVF, cross-apply, T-SQL -

i trying create sql pull out data based on date, having troble use clause need have following table , tvf:

/* dbo.weeks  -> column(weeknum), column(date)  **date fridays** */ weeknum    date   1     2001-09-21   2     2001-09-28   3     2001-10-05  ...        .... /* fnbenchmark(@weeknum)  -> display benchmark data based on weeknum */ 

here code:

select  p.weeknum, p.date, q.companyid, q.index  dbo.weeks p  cross apply  dbo.fnbenchmark(p.weeknum) q  date = '2001-09-21'  /* here wish add above code don't know how */  if         date in dbo.weeks column (date)  --if date on clause friday , on dbo.weeks table  run above code     else      change date lastfridaydate    --if date on clause sat~thur, use previous friday's date run above 

for example, let's 2001-09-21 friday, if enter 2001-09-24 on clause, want sql run "where date = "2001-09-21" since 2001-09-24 entered not friday"

maybe should create function (svf?) return previous friday's date based on parameter @date entered? , use:

where date = fnfridaycheck(@date entered) 

mayby use


and storedprocedure or query example

if datepart(dw,getdate()) = 6 begin   if it's friday (because 6 in dateprart points firday) end else begin   else end 


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