Variablize Method Call in Powershell -

i'm looking way dynamically call method or property of function. example wanted call every property of $error[0]. list of property names with:

$a = ($error[0] | get-member -type property | select name) 

i this:

foreach($b in $a){      $error[0].&($ } 

but call operator (&) doesn't resolve $ expect (it should resolve 'catagoryinfo'). there anyway this?

you use different way retrieve properties:


this return collection of pspropertyinfo objects. pspropertyinfo objects have value property use or set property value:

$properties|foreach-object {'name={0}; value={1}'-f$,$_.value} 

also note of possible problems in way of retrieving properties' values. powershell allows access idictionary elements property syntax. problem here powershell prefer access collection element rather actual property:

$hashtable=@{} $hashtable.count # 0 $hashtable.add('somename',10) $hashtable.somename # 10 $hashtable.count # 1 $hashtable.add('count',20) $hashtable.count # 20 $hashtable|select-object -expandproperty count # 2 


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