apache - .htaccess nice url settings not redirecting -

i've been reading documentation , tutorials on .htaccess file setup evening nothing seems pan out...

based on tools found online, i'm looking have web-browser show non .html names in navbar - ie. domain.com/contact/ instead of domain.com/contact.html

current .htaccess file contents follows:

options -multiviews  rewriteengine on rewritebase /  # force search engines use slowandlowcoastal.com rewritecond %{http_host} !^slowandlowcoastal\.com$ rewriterule ^(.*) http://slowandlowcoastal.com/$1 [r=301,l]  # specify search friendly urls rewriterule ^rates$ /rates.html [l] rewriterule ^trips$ /trips.html [l] rewriterule ^photos$ /photos.html [l] rewriterule ^videos$ /videos.html [l] rewriterule ^contact$ /contact.html [l] 


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