gcloud docker pull fails with Untar exit status 2 unexpected fault address -
edit: huge thank @mattmoor helping me debug issue. after had create new docker-machine. there problem docker daemon must've arisen due first machine not being created correctly.
i having trouble pulling images computer, both of running osx yosemite. both machines have docker daemon running, , have authenticated desired project pull
gcloud auth login
on computer able run:
gcloud docker pull gcr.io/projectid/image-tag
without issues.
however when try repeat on machine, large error message begins with:
error pulling image (tag-here) gcr.io/projectid/image-tag, endpoint: https://gcr.io/v1/, untar exit status 2 unexpected fault address 0xc208ce5d04 fatal error: faultr downloading dependent layers [signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0xc208ce5d04 pc=0x94109e]
followed goroutine 1 stack trace.
the docker version on both machines 1.6.2, client , server api version 1.18, both go versions go1.4.2
the google cloud sdk version on both machines 0.9.67, , both have following components installed:
- bq 2.0.18
- bq-nix 2.0.18
- core 2015.06.30
- core-nix 2015.06.02
- gcloud 2015.06.30
- gcutil-msg 2015.06.09
- gsutil 4.13
- gsutil-nix 4.12
- preview 2015.06.30
and machine works has these components installed:
- alpha 2015.06.30
- beta 2015.06.30
- kubectl
- kubectl-darwin-x86_64 0.18.1
any appreciated, i'm baffled why can't pull gcr registry on other machine.
i'm baffled too, looks docker dying trying untar blob, , haven't seen before.
would mind starting thread gcr-contact@google.com, may take little debugging, , email bit easier back-and-forth.
we can update find, if works you?
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