ibm mq - Websphere MQ using XMS.Net -

i wanted understand how can use web sphere mq following scenario: can read message queue without removing message queue. 2. have web application need listener read queue. there tool ?

yes, it's possible read message without removing queue, it's known browsing. need create browser consumer read messages. have posted snippet here, same code available in tools\dotnet\samples\cs\xms\simple\wmq\simplequeuebrowser\simplequeuebrowser.cs also.

  // create connection.   iconnection connectionwmq = cf.createconnection();   // create session   isession sessionwmq = connectionwmq.createsession(false, acknowledgemode.autoacknowledge);   // create destination   idestination destination = sessionwmq.createqueue(queuename);   // create consumer   iqueuebrowser queuebrowser = sessionwmq.createbrowser(destination);   // create message listener , assign consumer   messagelistener messagelistener = new messagelistener(onmessagecallback);   queuebrowser.messagelistener = messagelistener;   // start connection receive messages.   connectionwmq.start(); 

callback method

    static void onmessagecallback(imessage message)     {         try         {             // display received message             console.write(message);         }         catch (exception ex)         {             console.writeline("exception caught in onmessagecallback: {0}", ex);         }     } 


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