java - Hibernate & JPA 2.1, How to retrieve the name of a subgraph from entity graph -

i try name of subgraph (defined in annotation of entity class), hibernate implementation subgraphimpl has no getter name.

is there other possibility name of subgraph programmatically?

there class called namedsubgraph, how namedsupgraph subgraphimpl?

what try develop entity graph validator, checks using reflection if needed attributes nodes defined (checking fields of entity class reflection). possible exclude , include attribute nodes partial entity graphs.

but need subgraph name identify correct subgraphs in entity graph should validated.


a working example available on github account

four entity classes: person, address creditcard , debitcard

@entity @namedentitygraphs({         @namedentitygraph(                 name = person.eg_profile_full,                 attributenodes = {                         @namedattributenode(value = "wallet",                                 subgraph = wallet.eg_profile_full)                 }         ),         @namedentitygraph(                 name = person.eg_profile_partial,                 attributenodes = {                         @namedattributenode(value = "wallet",                                 subgraph = wallet.eg_profile_partial)                 }         ) }) public class person {      @transient     public transient static final string eg_profile_full = "personfull";      @transient     public transient static final string eg_profile_partial = "personcreditcards";      @id     long id;      @joincolumn(name = "wallet_id")     @onetoone(cascade = cascadetype.all)     wallet wallet;  }

@entity @namedentitygraphs({         @namedentitygraph(                 name = wallet.eg_profile_full,                 attributenodes = {                         @namedattributenode(value = "creditcards",                                 subgraph = creditcard.eg_profile_full),                         @namedattributenode(value = "debitcards",                                 subgraph = debitcard.eg_profile_full)                 }         ),         @namedentitygraph(                 name = wallet.eg_profile_partial,                 attributenodes = {                         @namedattributenode(value = "creditcards",                                 subgraph = creditcard.eg_profile_full)                 }         ) }) public class wallet {      @transient     public transient static final string eg_profile_full = "walletfull";      @transient     public transient static final string eg_profile_partial = "walletcredit";      @id     long id;      @onetomany(cascade = cascadetype.all)     @ordercolumn(name = "idx")     @joincolumn(name = "wallet_id")     list<creditcard> creditcards;      @onetomany(cascade = cascadetype.all)     @ordercolumn(name = "idx")     @joincolumn(name = "wallet_id")     list<debitcard> debitcards; }

@entity @namedentitygraph(         name = creditcard.eg_profile_full,         attributenodes = {                 @namedattributenode(value = "number"),                 @namedattributenode(value = "name")         } ) public class creditcard {      @transient     public transient static final string eg_profile_full = "creditcardfull";      @id     long id;      @column(name="creditcard_number")     int number;      @column(name="creditcard_name")     string name;  }

@entity @namedentitygraph(         name = debitcard.eg_profile_full,         attributenodes = {                 @namedattributenode(value = "key")         } ) public class debitcard {      @transient     public transient static final string eg_profile_full = "debitcardfull";      @id     long id;      @column(name="debitcard_key")     long key;  } 

i wrote class print entity graphs

public class entitygraphexamplemain {      protected static final string context_location = "/inmemory-database-test-annotation-context.xml";      public static void main(string[] args) {          // entity graph name.         classpathxmlapplicationcontext context = new classpathxmlapplicationcontext(context_location);         entitymanager em = ((entitymanagerfactory) context.getbean("entitymanagerfactory")).createentitymanager();         entitygraphimpl<?> entitygraph = (entitygraphimpl<?>) em.getentitygraph(person.eg_profile_full);          // print entity graph name         system.out.println("entitygraph = '" + entitygraph.getname() + "'");          // print entity graph attribute node list size         system.out.println("entitygraph.attributenodes.size = '" + entitygraph.getattributenodes().size() + "'");          // wallet attribute node.         attributenode<?> attributenode = entitygraph.getattributenodes().get(0);          // convert , receive needed objects         attributenodeimpl hbattributenode = (attributenodeimpl) attributenode;         attribute jpaattribute = hbattributenode.getattribute();          // print attribute node name         system.out.println("attributenode = '" + attributenode.getattributename() + "'");          // subgraph of wallet         map<class, subgraph> subgraphs = hbattributenode.getsubgraphs();          // subgraph map should have 1 entry         system.out.println("subgraphs.size = '" + subgraphs.entryset().size() + "'");          // subgraph map should contain wallet class key.         system.out.println("subgraphs.keys = '" + subgraphs.keyset() + "'");          subgraph subgraph = subgraphs.get(subgraphs.keyset().iterator().next());         subgraphimpl hbsubgraph = (subgraphimpl) subgraph;          // print subgraph type         system.out.println("subgraph.type = '" + subgraph.getclasstype().getname() + "'");          // try subgraph attribute nodes          // subgraph attribute node list should contian 1 or 2 elements...but zero!         system.out.println("(sub)attributenode.size = '" + subgraph.getattributenodes().size() + "'");          /* +        ############################################################################################### +        #                                                                                             # +        # need way identify name of subgraph, entity graph using entity       # +        # manager.                                                                                    # +        #                                                                                             # +        # needed this:                                                                 # +        #                                                                                             # +        # string subgraphname = subgraph.getname()                                                    # +        #                                                                                             # +        # entitygraphimpl<?> entitygraph = (entitygraphimpl<?>) em.getentitygraph(subgraphname);      # +        #                                                                                             # +        ############################################################################################### +        */      } } 

console output:

entitygraph = 'personfull' entitygraph.attributenodes.size = '1' attributenode = 'wallet' subgraphs.size = '1' subgraphs.keys = '[class de.hbmexample1.entity.wallet]' subgraph.type = 'de.hbmexample1.entity.wallet' (sub)attributenode.size = '0' 

size of attribute nodes in subgraph 0, not expected. need name of subgraph workaround mentioned in code.

        /* +        ############################################################################################### +        #                                                                                             # +        # need way identify name of subgraph, entity graph using entity       # +        # manager.                                                                                    # +        #                                                                                             # +        # needed this:                                                                 # +        #                                                                                             # +        # string subgraphname = subgraph.getname()                                                    # +        #                                                                                             # +        # entitygraphimpl<?> entitygraph = (entitygraphimpl<?>) em.getentitygraph(subgraphname);      # +        #                                                                                             # +        ############################################################################################### +        */ 


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