node.js - error that the header can not be reset -

i have main file called server.js in has method in post call request of url

var gotoother = require('./gotoother.js'); ('/gotoother/', function (req, res) { var data = {     "error": 1,     "zone" "" };     sms.gotoother (req, res, msgsms;  }); 

i have file called gotoother gotoother.js


therurl = function (req, res, next, msgsms) {     var data = {         "error": 1,         "sms": ""     };  var url = "";   req.redirect ({     uri: url,     method: "post" }, function (error, response, body) {     console.log (error);     //console.log(body);     date ["error"] = 0;     date ["sms"] = "successfully sent";     res.json (data);     next ();  });  }; 

i read texts , did not understand happening , remade several times read between them tried recreate new post method sends calls url continued giving error header can not reset. error this: error: can not set after headers sent.

at serverresponse.outgoingmessage.setheader  can't set headers after sent. 

in gotoother.js need this: need create other variable creat request. did , worked.

var request = require('request'); exports.enviosms = function (req, res) {      var url = "";      request ({         uri: url,         method: "post"     }, function (error, response, body) { }; 


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