ios - How to receive String Array from Parse Cloud Code in Swift? -

i've written parse cloud code function returns data database. see in "response" when println in xcode. looks it's wrapped in double optional!? i'm making wrong in if let , in for loop? how (unwrap) string array out of it?

my code in swift:

pfcloud.callfunctioninbackground("toptwo", withparameters: ["rating":5]) {         (response: anyobject?, error: nserror?) -> void in          if error == nil {             println("successfully retrieved \(response!.count) scores.")             println("here flower names: \(response)")              if let objects = response as? [pfobject] {                 object in objects {                     println(object.objectid)                 }             }         } else {             println("error: \(error!) \(error!.userinfo!)")         }     }   

what see in console:

successfully retrieved 2 scores. here flower names: optional((     rose,     "sunflower" )) 

maybe there error in cloude code. here can see i've done:"toptwo", function(request, response) {     var query = new parse.query("flowers");     console.error("get flowers rating: " + request.params.rating);     query.equalto("stars", request.params.rating);     query.find({         success: function(results) {             console.error("results: " + results);              var list = [];             (i = 0; < results.length; i++) {                 list[i] = results[i].get('flowername');             }                 console.error("flower name list: " + list);             response.success(list);         },         error: function() {             response.error("lookup failed");         }     }); }); 

and here parse logs:

results: [object object],[object object] flower name list: rose,sunflower 

(i'm using xcode 6.3.2 - swift 1.2)
many in advance!

okay, solve on own.
object returned cloud code array. therefore casting nsarray has made instead of casting [pfobject].

here working swift code:

pfcloud.callfunctioninbackground("daytopfive", withparameters: ["day":1]) {         (response: anyobject?, error: nserror?) -> void in          if error == nil {             println("successfully retrieved \(response!.count) scores.")              // working:              let objects = response as! nsarray             object in objects {                 println("a top flower is: \(object)")                    }         } } 


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